===== Elton55 Database Changes ===== ==== Elton55.2004 April 2020 ==== Changes from Elton.1101 are listed below. A change in Residence script RESI: change 1 CONT |"2 PLAC " [dwelling"," road] [","locality] [","town 1 CONT county][","postcode] to 1 CONT |"2 PLAC " [dwelling"," road] [","locality] 1 CONT [","town "," county][","postcode "," country] ==== Elton55.1101 January 2011 ==== Changes from Elton55.612 are listed below. 1. One line added at the end of Person script validate (to report if no sex is given) if sex absent then "No Sex"¦end 2. Added for Web Output: Person scripts HTMname and HTMdates; Marriage script HTMmarr. === Person script HTMName === if forenames absent then title end prefix if forenames <"A" then" " end if forenames absent then "Unk" rin else forenames end ""surname"" postfix ["(" nickname ")"] === Person script HTMdates === if birth.date present then "b. " normal(birth) else ["bapt. " normal(christening)] end if death.date present then if birth.date present or christening.date present then ", " end "d. " normal(death) else if birth.date present or christening.date present then ", " end ["bur." normal(burial)] end separator = "; " ["
Education: " education] ["
Occupation: " normal(occupation)]
=== Marriage script HTMmarr === ["Married: " normal(marriage)] [" divorced " normal(divorce)] ==== Elton55.612 December 2006 ==== Six changes from Elton55.611 are listed below. 1. New **Census script validate** for its Source.date in the lifetime of an individual that will only work on new records if the Source link has already been entered. If placed by default 2-way linking, this link only happens after the save is processed – after the validate if individual present and source.date present then if source.dateindividual.death.date then source.date source.type ">death" individual.death.date | end if individual.burial.date present and source.date>individual.burial.date then source.date source.type ">burial" individual.burial.date | end end 2. **Census filter** to list errors: individual present and source.dateindividual.death.date or individual present and source.dateindividual.burial.date 3. **Census script detailBox** replace ''[|individual]'' by [|datesLine(individual)] [|"ERROR" validate()] 4. **Person script validate** \\ Replace if birth.date present by if birth.date>1000 in order to ignore birthdays without year. The equivalent filter has been changed above in section 611. The full script with new ERROR and WARNING messages is now: if burial.date present and burial.date < death.date then "ERROR burial1000 and birth.date < parents.marriage.date then "WARNING birth < parents.marriage" parents.marriage.date | end if christening.date present and christening.date < parents.marriage.date then "WARNING christening < parents.marriage" parents.marriage.date | end if mother.death.date present and mother.death.date < birth.date then "ERROR mother.death" mother.death.date "< birth" | end 5. **Person script detailBox** \\ Add ''[| validate()]'' after ''treepar()'' in order to show errors and warnings above.\\ Remove ''|'' from ''[ treepar()]'' to avoid a blank line. \\ Move ''|'' from front to back of ''[ families()|]'' to separate personal detail from last child. 6. **Marriage script detailBox** \\ Add ''[|"ERROR" validate()]'' before ''[|”husband:”'' If you have already installed Elton55.612 then you can use PedClone to update your own DB by copying the following scripts: |Person|Pictures|validate| | | |detailBox| | |Plan pictures|detailBox (DB= Elton55.612)| |Marriage|Pictures|detailBox| |Census|pictures|validate| | | |detailBox| ==== Elton55.611 November 2006 ==== Five changes from Elton55.610 are listed below. 1. occupation picture script **major** had space and comma extra so remove the ''", "'' before end. if not title contains ";" then title end 2. Person table **validation** created for Person index **filtered** by any of these 3 filters which were split up to avoid problems with list filter sizes in Pedigree. birth.date > 1000 and birth.date < parents.marriage.date or mother.death.date present and mother.death.date < birth.date or christening.date present and christening.date < parents.marriage.date or mother.death.date present and mother.death.date < christening.date or burial.date present and burial.date < death.date or burial.date present and burial.date < birth.date or christening.date present and christening.date < birth.date or death.date present and death.date < birth.date or death.date present and death.date < christening.date The above filters have been limited to size of a filter acceptable to Pedigree if using PediTree before v3.310, otherwise they can be one filter joined by ‘or’. 3. The Person ‘validation’ table column 2 uses a new Person script called **validate** which is also used when saving a Person edit. This is the script: if burial.date present and burial.date < death.date then "burial 4. Marriage table **validation** created for list **filtered** by husband.death.date present and husband.death.datemarriage.date or marriage.date present and husband.birth.date>marriage.date or wife.death.date present and wife.death.datemarriage.date or marriage.date present and wife.birth.date>marriage.date The above have been limited by size of a filter acceptable to Pedigree if using PediTree before v3.310, otherwise they can be one filter joined by ‘or’. 5. The Marriage ‘validation’ table column 2 uses a new Marriage script called **validate** which is also used when saving a Marriage edit. This is the script: if husband.death.date present and husband.death.date < marriage.date then husband.death.date "husband.death.date < marriage.date" end if wife.death.date present and wife.death.date < marriage.date then wife.death.date "wife.death.date < marriage.date" end if husband.burial.date present and husband.burial.date < marriage.date then husband.burial.date "husband.burial.date < marriage.date" end if wife.burial.date present and wife.burial.date < marriage.date then wife.burial.date "wife.burial.date < marriage.date" end if marriage.date present and husband.christening.date > marriage.date then husband.christening.date "husband.christening.date > marriage.date" end if marriage.date present and wife.christening.date > marriage.date then wife.christening.date "wife.christening.date > marriage.date" end if marriage.date present and husband.birth.date > marriage.date then "husband.birth.date > marriage.date" end if marriage.date present and wife.birth.date > marriage.date then wife.birth.date"wife.birth.date > marriage.date" end === PedClone procedure for Elton55.611 === Use PedClone to copy these items to your DB instead of typing them in PediTree: * Groups, occupation, Pictures, major * Records * Person, Pictures, validate * Plan pictures, detailBox * Tables, validation * Marriage, Pictures, validate * Tables, validation